Kota Santri

Pekalongan of Batik Town
The Origin of Pekalongan
The name of Pekalongan as was disribed by local society hereditaryly for some version. One of them was mentioned at a period of Raden Bahurekso as Monarchic commander figure of Mataram. In the year 1628, he got command of Sultan Agung to attack VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indishe Compagnic) in Batavia. So he struggled to ossify, even early by fasting like bat (Javanese : topo ngalong) in forest of Gambiran (now : Gambaran village, it’s situation around bridge of Anim and countryside of Sorogenen).
In its hermitage is narrated that Raden Bahurekso lured and brothered by Dewi Lanjar along with all unvisible soldier which represent its follower can be defeated even bowed to Raden Bahurekso. Then Dewi Lanjar, representing courier Queen of Roro Kidul or Queen of Coast South set mind on do not return to Coast South, however then request permission to Raden Bahurekso to remain around this region. Raden Bahurekso fulfilled this request even Queen of Roro Kidul also agreeing it. Dewi Lanjar allowed to remain north coast of Central Java. It is said palace situation of Dewi Lanjar located is coast of Pekalongan side river of Slamaran. Since that time, the area is famous for the name of Pekalongan.
In other version was mentioned that name of Pekalongan came from local term of HALONG-ALONG with the meaning galore result. So Pekalongan referred as also by the name of PENGANGSALAN with the meaning of luck. Name of this Pengangsalan is the reality also there is in chronicle of Mataram (Sultan Agung), that is :
“Gegaman wus kumpul dadi siji, samya dandan samya numpak palwa, gya ancal mring samudrane, lampahe lumintu, ing Tirboyo lawan semawis, ing Lepentangi, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Sampun, Barebes lan Pengangsalan. Wong pesisir sadoyo tan ono kari, ing Carbon nggertata”.
Its meaning : “Weapons have been collected into one. After altogether ready to, all soldier ridden away to sail. The sailing is no desisting of passing Tirbaya, Semarang, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Brebes, and Pengangsalan. Everybody coastal area nothing that under developed (they leave to prepare x’selt in Cirebon to go to Batavia utilize to invade VOC Dutch)”.
Pre-eminent product
As we have known, Pekalongan was recognized as “Batik Town” having huge potency in batik industry and have expanded rapidly, in big and small scale. Batik production of Pekalongan has become one of the supporting of economics Pekalongan. Pattern and typical color of batik product of Pekalongan have made crafting of Pekalongan Batik was progressively recognized. This area of batik’s industry has been able to export to various state for example Australia, United States, Mid-East, Japan, Chinese, Korea, and Singapore.
To Batik collector, Pekalongan is the right place to hunt batik and accessories for Pekalongan is the place of batik market, batik’s boutique and also batik’s grocery, as original batik (hand drawn), batik cap (stamped), batik printing, batik painting and also sablon at the varied price.
This industry gave big contribution to the progress of economics in Pekalongan with majority of home industri.
Industry convection
Besides batik, Pekalongan also has kind are convection’s industry. Amount of this industry spread up to start from Kedungwuni, Tirto, Bojong, Wiradesa, Buaran, Klego, and Landungsari. Contribution of convection industry of Pekalongan is big enough in supplying of clothes in country. All entrepreneur, the most is home industry, partake share remit to some big grocery for example Grocery’s Tanah Abang (Jakarta), Market of Tegal Gubug in Cirebon (West Java), Market of Klewer in Solo (Central Java) as well as its other place. This industrial product in the form of ready made clothes either of batik and also non batik between others : sarong, man cloth, woman cloth, child clothes, bedspread or sprai (pallet sleep above mattress), desk palm, jeans, etc..
Jacquard of ATBM (non-machine weaving)
ATBM represents small industry with the product was : towel, cloth of ihrom, house interior) etc..
Its productions have exported to Japan, Singapore, United States and Europe.
Crafting of natural fibre
With raw material in the form of enceng gundog (flowers edible and leaves res with plant water), banana cortex and frond, pineapple fibre and also other natural fibre, all small entrepreneur has used it to various crafting like bag, clothes, house interior, etc…
Industry processing of fish
Industry processing of fish also represent one of the pledge sector of Pekalongan. This sector consist of :
Canning of fish
Salting / draining of fish (enchovy except kind any of fish salted dried)
Coagulation of fish
Pemindangan (preserve large fish or meat with salt without drying)
Processing and pickling of fish
The Art and Culture
Dance of Sintren
Sintren is traditional artisty of society of Pekalongan and its surroundings, representing a dance smelled mystical / magical which is taken stem from love story of Sulasih and Raden Sulandono. Mentioned Raden Sulandono is child of Ki Bahurekso marriage Dewi Rantansari.
Raden Sulandono loves Sulasih a female of countryside of Kalisalak, but the loves was not get blessed by Ki Bahurekso. Finally Raden Sulandono lived as an ascetic and Sulasih was chosen to become dancer. Nevertheless meeting among both still take place to through illusory nature. The meeting was arranged by Dewi Rantansari including houri soul to body of Sulasih. At that moment also Raden Sulandono which was doing penance to be called by its soul to meet Sulasih, than they met between Sulasih and of Raden Sulandono.
After the time of that’s every performed a by show of sintren of is the entered by sure dancer of houri soul by its expert in conquering animals. Sintren played the part of by a girl whichstill is holy (maiden), assisted by its expert in conquering animals and accompanied by Javanese musical 6 people. The development of sintren’s dance as people entertainment amusement, was later developed with dancer attendant and comedian.
Simtud durar
Simtud durar was the traditional artist which is reflected islam using Rebana and Jidur as a means of its music. This artist have been played for 15 peoples till 20 peoples, accompanied by music. They bounce by make much of or sholawatan as expression thank Allah and application of safety of eternity and world. This commonly at used are the time of opening of event of hajatan traditional party or carried out by urban community citizen of Pekalongan famous with is adherence in running command of religion.
Kuntulan is represented traditional artist which is have islam breath to played by 18 men. Together the position 18 people in doing dance is 9 people in front of and 9 people behind. The mentioned meant will contain meaning of Asmaul Husna that is 99 nature of Allah SWT (God who are single the most).
Sya’banan (Khol)
Sya’banan (Khol) is religious ceremony which have in area of Pekalongan, carried out by every 14 sya’ban (ruwah) one year to memorial / considering service-service of Sayid bin Abdullah bin Tholib al Atas , during its life blazing the way founding of maisonette of pesantren in Java.
(Pesantren is school of Qur’an studies for children and young people, most of whom are boarders).
Syawalan is custom ceremony to Moslem residing in Pekalongan and its surroundings to witness sharing of BIG LEPET which has diameter size measure 150 cm, heavy 185 single and high of 110 of cm this event is carried out by one week after feast day of Ramadan idul fitri by mayor / functionary of area.
Typical food
Rice of Megono
Town of Pekalongan is famous for typical food which is called MEGONO, it is of a kind vegetable dish made of young jackfruit (Javanese : gori) chopped of refinement mixed with coconut (urapan) is grat and urapan sambal (Javanese : kluban). But with is more mace ingredient completed with a little hot feel and salam leaf, will generate to feel typical. Megono is very delicious and compatible as breakfast, suitable with other dish. Even only accompanied with tempeh fry and ketchup sambal, likely very scrumptious. In town of Pekalongan, megono is very easy to get, from cloister booth until big restaurant most of all providing rice of megono.
Tauto is typical food of Pekalongan of a kind soup, just only the ingredient of the tauto is added with taucho, that is of a kind delicate adder a kind of saus having typical aroma and its making materials ffrom soys. As generally soup, tauto is also mixed with flesh and jerohan (organ in) and also noodles of sohun, delicious to eat with rice or lontong. Tauto Pekalongan is usually got in booths in town of Pekalongan in the day time.
Garang Asam
Garang asam is food of a kind soup (rawon), typical of area of Pekalongan. But for the Garang Asam, its gravy is given many tomato, so feels fresh and acid but. Garang asam is usually mixed with flesh, egg or jerohan (organ in). usually ripe by garang asam rather hot, so that likely growing scrumptiously. In town of Pekalongan, lurid of acid very is easy to get in booth-booth, especially in the day time.
Soybean chips
As tempe, soybean cake even also can be made by flaky. Flavour and way of its making do not far different. Felting enjoyable and crispy likely, making flaky know suitable for crispy to eat with rice (in the place of crispy) and also suitable for snack. Flaky is easy get in food-shop shop in area of Pekalongan and its surroundings.
Place Recreations
Coast of Pasir Kencana
Representing coast recreation place to all foreign and also domestic tourist to relax at the same time enjoy cold coastal air. This coast suited for recreation raw and fish with boat of readily touring serving it. The facilities for children toy, open podium, areal park, small mosque, and bathroom.
Place Recreation of Linggo Asri
The view is nature with fresh air to be the typical place individuality of Linggo Asri which is located in the side of south of district of Kajen sub-province of Pekalongan at height 700 m of sea level. The combination of natural potency, forest and mountain of wisata and also the condition of village which is still rural becomes interesting factor to be enjoyed. Beside that, situation which is profitable by the side of province street between sub-province of Pekalongan and Banjarnegara very facilitating to tourist to visit.
Place Recreation of Petung Kriyono
As recreation place which is have located in mountainside of Ragajambangan at height about 900 - 1600 m of sea level. A fresh air cold with wonderful place, natural beauty and loveliness which is suited for recreation. Capital of regency of Pekalongan is apart 30 km and can be reachings with public vehicles. As area of agrowisata, Petung Kriyono is offering many choice for the accomplishment of ambition of natural tour. In this area, you are able to explore the nature and do the outbond’s activity.
Waterfall of Curug Muncar
Is famous for the exotic place with beautiful waterfall and the wonderful view. This waterfall of Curug Muncar is a lot of visited by tourist and natural devotee.
Place Recreation Of Rogoselo
The place is located more or less 14 km of town of Doro’s district, exactly in countryside of Rogoselo. This recreation place in the form of petilasan / preserve of Arca Baron Sekeber and Mausoleum of Ki Ageng Atas Angin. According to folklore, Baron Sekeber is a miraculous man from the Europe who came to Java, wish to challenge magical power. In every fight, Baron Sekeber always wins, have many miraculous people and hero in Java Land which he defeated. Till one day he was lost to be defeated by Ki Ageng Atas Angin.
Recreation Place
of Lolong
The natural recreation place is located more or less 6 km of town district of Karanganyar. This potency place of recreation is also supported with existence of durian fruit (typical fruit of very delicious area likely) which has famous for in each its seasons.
Coast of Wonokerto
The coast recreation place is located more or less 5 km of roadway of Wiradesa to the north, precisely in countryside of Wonokerto, district of Wonokerto. In Zulhijjah this place was performed by ordinary of sea aims event performed by local fisherman society.
Coast of Slamaran Indah
Was the wonderful coast which gives us balmy and compatible. This area of its legend have “tutelary spirit”, that is Dewi Lanjar as coastal queen of North. It is said Dewi Lanjar often make an appearance with peerless pretty beautiful face.
Camping site
About 4 hectare, camping site which is in Dranan village of Yosorejo provided to all natural devotee, student and also all tourist provided with bathroom, verandah of ancient palace, post guard care and playground.
Pekalongan in present day
Nowdays, Pekalongan have experienced of development become two region, that is Municipality of Pekalongan and Regency of Pekalongan.
Municipality of Pekalongan
Head of governance : Mr. Dr. Basyir Akhmad
Proxy head of governance : Mr. H. Abu Almafachir
Geographical position
Geographical position between 6 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->50’44” is transversal of south and 109 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->37’55” till 109 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->42’19” east longitude, and also have fictious coordinate to 510.000-518.000 lengthwise km and 517.875 – 526.75 athwart km. Wide of area of Pekalongan equals to 45,25 km <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->, administratively consists of 4 district and 46 sub-district. Area of Pekalongan have mean rain climate 2.189 mm/year.

Growth of Economics
Economics of municipality in Pekalongan is growing rapidly enough started from PDRB about 42 %/year. Especial contributor economic sector of PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) is middle and big industry and also wholesale and at retail. Supporter of economic medium among others walke as long as 115.222 km, 10 market unit, 10 unit banking of private sector and state, available and also of electrics, clean water and telecommunications.
Regency of Pekalongan
Head of governance : Ms. Hj. Siti Qomariyah, MA
Proxy head of governance : Mr. Ir. H. Wayudi Pontjo Nugroho, MT
Geographical position
Regency of Pekalongan geographically located in north coast wise [at] 109 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]--> -109 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->78’ longitude east and between 6 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]--> – 7 <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->23’ regional parallel south broadly 836,13 km <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->, administratively consist of 19 district. Mean rainfall per year 2.950 mm with rain day mean 157 days. High rainfall happened in district of Lebakbarang mean per year 5.551 mm, condition of land pursuant to wide of regency area of Pekalongan 83.613,103 hectare, which consist of rice field land 26.082,454 hectare or 31,25 %, dry land 57.484,781 hectare (68,75%).
Growth of Economics
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Pekalongan’s regency increases 10,72 % or Rp 5,06 trillion on year 2007 for price apply than years 2006 as big as Rp4,57 trillion. Meanwhile constant price settle, PDRB is year 2007 as big as Rp 2,83 trillion, worked up 4,43 % than years 2006 as big as Rp 2,71 trillion.
For perkapita’s income year 2007 as big as Rp 4.882.280, worked up 9,61 % appealed by years 2006 as big as Rp 4.454.203.
Years indigent population 2007 as big as 190.000 souls or 21,13 % of populations, experiencing decrease was appealed by year 2006 as much 207,644 souls or 23,29 %.

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